A 9-Point Social Media Checklist

9-point social media checklist

A 9-Point Social Media Checklist

9-point social media checklist

A 9-Point Social Media Checklist

This checklist is an adaptation of an article that I wrote for the January 2013 issue of Moms In Business Magazine.  These are strategies that you can incorporate into your business to improve your social media experiences.

Here are some key actions to include on your social media checklist:

  1. Automate:  Use tools and apps to help manage your social media engagements and save time.
  2. Coordinate:  Create a list of people to follow and engage on a regular basis.  Take time weekly to interact with them.  Schedule chats and hangouts at optimal times to ensure the best participation.
  3. Embellish:  Use attention-grabbing images to make your content visually attractive and inviting. Reshare those images across your social media platforms.
  4. Participate:  Be interactive and engage in actual conversations or ask questions.  Do not rely 100% on automation.  Join groups and contribute to them.
  5. Recommend: Give recommendations to vouch for the qualifications of others.  Refer others who have complementary services to your followers. Reshare content from those you follow.
  6. Influence:  Focus on specific topics that relate to your target and share them with your followers. Comment and give opinions on these topics.
  7. Convert: Direct your followers off social media to your content, products, and services.  Invite them to read an article, listen to a recording, sample a free product, or give you a call.
  8. Recycle:  Repurpose content across multiple platforms.  Convert writing into audio and video content and vice versa. Itemize key points and use for checklists and tweets.
  9. Subscribe: Subscribe to alerts and RSS feeds to receive announcements when new content is generated from those your follow.

Use these essential strategies as part of your social media marketing plan to help you establish and maintain a consistent presence online.  Become an active and engaging entrepreneur on social media.

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