The Day I Drowned Lack in the Ocean

The Day I Drowned Lack in the Ocean

We rose before dawn and packed into a van headed to Tybee Island to watch the sunrise.  We arrived just as the top of the Sun started to peek over the horizon above the ocean. As the sky brightened, we gathered together with our mentor, called forth our ancestors and thanked them. Next, she passed out long sticks and instructed us to search ourselves then decide what we wanted to leave behind for the ocean to take away.

I knew immediately that I wanted to get rid of lack. So I took my stick and carved “I leave lack behind me! I give everyone permission to be great.” I took a photo and walked away. I left it there for the tide to consume. That is the day I drowned lack in the ocean.

Day I drowned lack in the ocean

I started my gratitude practice less than a year before this day, and this practice helped me to become strong enough to say goodbye to lack, continue to grow and operate in abundance. Even when tragedy has come or I’ve experienced a setback, I no longer look at my circumstances from a place of scarcity. I only focus on what makes me grateful and move forward. Opportunities continue to increase. Unexplained synchronicities and connections have become regular occurrences.

Lack is the opposite of want (“need, desire, wish, craving, necessity”), but it also means the same thing as want (“the deficiency of something; to be short of something desirable or essential” ). Make sure you want for and are not in want of what you desire.

In his book Guidelines for a Master: 12 Steps to an Extremely Happy Life (affiliate link), Derrick B.. Wells, along with Stanley G. Robertson, shares the “four basic denials.” The second denial states:

“Denial #2: There is no absence of life, substance, or intelligence anywhere.”

The authors created Denial #2 specifically to speak to the need to stop “giving life to this idea of lack” and to recommend “(y)ou should use this denial to release those things you don’t want.”

Do you see your life from a perspective of lack of experience, money, time, health, confidence, or relationships? Are you lacking in overall quality of life? Decide you are worthy and stop operating from a deficit. Create a ritual to assist you with getting rid of thoughts of scarcity. Here are a few ways to help eliminate a lack mindset.

  • You can read the Twenty-Third Psalm of the Bible out loud then meditate on the scriptures, if you need a place to start. Do this for 21 days.
  • Use Denial #2 to release lack.
  • Switch your viewpoint to one of finding gratitude in as many things as possible, and don’t look back.

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