Nature Made Adult Gummies at Blogalicious 12

Nature Made Adult Gummies at Blogalicious 12

Nature Made VitaMelts and Adult Gummies

Nature Made VitaMelts and Adult Gummies at Blogalicious12People always ask me what I do to look so young, and I have to honestly tell them that it is mostly genetics, but I will say that I am adamant about taking vitamins.  It is something that I have always done pretty much my entire adult life.  I always tell folks to at least take a good multivitamin.  We subsist on a diet of nutritionally-devalued foods.  Even if we eat loads of fruits and veggies, they just don’t contain the amount of nutrients that they used to contain.  Take a good multi to fill in the gaps where you are not getting what your body needs.

We received a load of goodies in our Blogalicious 12 swag bags, and the Nature Made vitamins that were gifted to us were a godsend for me.  Nature Made provided us with full-sized containers of VitaMelts Energy, Vitamin C, and Sleep and the Adult Gummies Fish Oil.

I started taking the supplements as soon as I got them at Blogalicious, and I am enjoying the benefits.  The VitaMelts Energy kept me from fading out while I was at the conference, the VitaMelts Vitamin C helped me not to get sick from being stuck in the airport for six hours and my long plane ride, and the VitaMelts Sleep have really been helping me with my insomnia.  The melatonin took me right out.  I have a hard time falling asleep, and I’m usually up until 2-3 am.  I’m going to start taking this in the evening so I can get to sleep earlier.  My only “complaint” is that this comes in chocolate mint flavor, and I stay away from chocolate.  I hope there will be more flavors for the VitaMelts Sleep.

The ones that I really love, Love, LOVE are the Adult Gummies Fish Oil. I have tried fish oil capsules before, but I always stop taking them because of the fishy after-effects aka the “fish burps.”  The Adult Gummies Fish Oil come in pineapple-orange, peach and mango flavors, and even though the fish oil is obtained from tuna, there is no fishy taste whatsoever.  I am looking forward to seeing the long-term changes that I receive from taking this fish oil.   Just from using them for a week, I have noticed a difference in things moving “a little smoother,” if you know what I mean.

Fish oil is beneficial for improving heart disease, high cholesterol, immunity, and inflammation.  It also helps to improve weight loss and skin conditions.  The key ingredients of fish oil are omega 3 essential fatty acids Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA).  Many types of fish can be used as sources for fish oil such as tuna.

I have been taking Nature Made supplements in both tablet and capsule forms for years, and I will be adding the smooth dissolve VitaMelts and the Adult Gummies to my daily vitamin regimen.

Free Nature Made Adult Gummies Fish Oil Sample from Target (while supplies last)

Save $ with Nature Made Coupons

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