Thicken Your Sauces and Other Recipes

Thicken sauce in bowl

Thicken Your Sauces and Other Recipes

Ever wonder what are the best ways to thicken your sauces and other foods? Which thickener works best for which foods? This video explains how to know when to use flour versus cornstarch and when to use other thickeners such as bread, potatoes, or eggs. Use these thickening tips to make your mother sauces or for other recipes for soups, gravies, stews, puddings or dressings.

Thickening agents enable liquids to obtain more body, cling to and coat other foods. They also help suspend other foods such as herbs or nuts so they don’t float the bottom of your dish.  We are all familiar with flour, cornstarch and arrowroot, but there are other thickening products like anthan gum, agar, pectin.

In an upcoming post, I will share ways to thicken your vegan dishes.

10 Ways to Thicken Your Recipes

Photo credit: Bouillon by Esmée Scholte

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